Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christ's Cathedral, Maker's Market

As I opened the big wooden doors to the church that’s celebrating its 175th anniversary, I was surprised to find the flood of movements and activities bustling on the inside.  At first, my senses were in over drive with the beautiful architecture of the old church and the stained glass windows, not to mention the Carols that echoed off the high ceilings from the grand piano amidst the conversations had between vendors and shoppers.  If any skeptics are questioning this temple becoming a ‘den of thieves’ you can be certain this market is worthy of our praise, and our money. 
At Christ’s Church Cathedral, what’s being offered by the Maker’s Market comes with the community supporter’s best interests in mind.  I loved that I was offered a handful of fresh Kale Chips upon entry, which was next to the booth selling bean sprouting supplies and books on “How to Save Your Seeds.”  (A personal interest that I’m discovering more about.) 
The health conscious and the environmentally conscious have their place here, and so do the refurbishers. There seemed to be a trend of local artists and designers who have a knack for finding old treasures and making them new again.  There were two such items I couldn’t leave the market without;  one was a broken rosary made into a necklace with a vintage cameo, and the other was a tie pin made from an old computer “Delete” button.  If this refurbishing trend found at the Maker’s Market is an example of the trends happening within the city of Hamilton, I think we are being crafted in good hands.  I get excited when I think of Hamilton being reinvented as more of its people are developing an eye for the (old) treasures hidden within.  As the Maker’s Market reflects the re-creations happening in the downtown core, it also gives us a chance to support the local economy as we invest in our very own artists, artisans and farmers.   
contact Sherri to recreate your old jewelery pieces: tremblaysl@hotmail.com
One thing I was reminded of when visiting this cathedral, were the words Jesus used to described his followers - Living Temples.  Whether you consider yourself a believer or not, I think we could all believe in the hidden life within ourselves.  Each one of us carries a piece of life that no one else can house.  We each function as a temple would - with a set of practices and perceptions for living out our beliefs.  All that to say, be sure you check out what the Maker’s Market has to offer and while you’re at it, explore this concept; What’s in your temple?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shannon,
    I'm lovin' this blog. If you're ever looking for other contributors or a partner in discovering the city, drop me a line...craigdouglasmusic@gmail.com
    Hope to hear from you soon!
    :) Craig
